Mike Heiligenstein, Executive director
Mike Heiligenstein serves as the executive director for Central Texas regional mobility authority, a transportation agency of many modals. He has served with the authority for more than 10 years, watching and seeing it grow and prosper as well as introducing its toll road operations nationally.
The Mobility Authority for central Texas was created in 2002, Mike Heiligenstein committing himself and the agency to pedestrian friendly transportation since its introduction. Projects from the authority that are overseen by Mike include the 6.2 mile Manor Expressway project as well as the Toll 183A, in total $2 billion of roadway projects in the next five years.
Mike Heiligenstein dedicates his time not just to spending many millions of dollars on roadways; he also dedicates his plans to the pedestrian. He is proud to announce plans for pedestrians and cyclists along both Oak Hill as well as the Highway 290 corridor, ensuring that all new plans will include facilities for both bicycles as well as foot passengers.
Mike Heiligenstein has been interviewed by the Community Impact Newspaper, where he talked about the agency as well as present and future projects. He is fully committed to getting the region moving, ensuring that both foot passengers and motorists have better access in the region, express lanes and toll lanes being added as well as cycling lanes.
Funding for such projects will include the introduction of fees for carrying of vehicles on the newly improved express lanes, this having an impact not just on how traffic is managed in Texas, but also on the general motorist. However, if motorists wish to opt out of paying for motoring, they will still be able to use lanes that are not express, free of charge, the whole process taking some time to function smoothly and without error.
Mike also spoke about enormous projects that are taking place at Oak Hill as well as south of the airport. Heiligenstein has been the backbone of these projects for over 10 years, working to connect central Texas and get traffic really moving. Mike and the mobility authority always have to be one step ahead of the needs of the public, anticipating and instigating plans for new and improved networks all over Texas.
The authority does not just improve the roads in the Texas community, it works to boost the local economy, current contractors employing in excess of 500 workers just on the new expressway. Although drivers may get frustrated by delays that are found while work is being carried out, the impact on the community when new roads are complete will be one that is solely positive, the agency providing jobs, better communications, and all in all a brighter future for everyone residing in Texas.
Mike Heiligenstein is a committed individual who cares for his community. Along with the mobility authority, he sees Texas through the eyes of the resident, making the improvements that the residents need, and at the same time causing as little inconvenience as is possible to the motorist or pedestrian. The mobility authority includes a 24 hour hotline where problems can be reported, showing 100% true dedication to the cause.
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