Three Important Questions to Ask Regarding Medical Service Abroad
If you are considering traveling to a foreign country to have a medical procedure performed, there are a few issues you should investigate first. Thankfully in most cases heading to another country to get a procedure performed, such as the Perseus anti-cancer injection therapy available in the Cayman Islands, is perfectly safe. However, here are three questions you should ask yourself before traveling abroad for a surgical procedure:
Are the physician and medical facility both safe?
In the case of the Perseus treatment program, the answer is certainly a resounding yes. The Cayman Islands Health Practice Commission is well known for maintaining meticulous standards of cleanliness, integrity, and ability among medical personnel.
Why can’t I get treatment at home?
This is definitely important to know. In the case of the Perseus vaccine, you can’t receive it in the US because it has not yet passed the lengthy FDA approval process, though it has received approval from the Cayman Islands Health Practice Commission and other agencies.
Are there any side effects?
Thankfully, at least in case of the Perseus PCI vaccine, they are mercifully few. A low-grade fever reported directly after the vaccine has been administered is about as bad as things get regarding side effects.
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